Berrys, Grapes and wine
Grape vineyards
Cheese and Cattle
Due to its relative unimportance compared to Veluna's other frontiers, reconstruction did not resume until the 400's. The work was completed in 427 CY, and although the new fortifications were formidable, they were far less daunting than the earlier defenses. This proved to be quite unfortunate, for in 507 CY, fleeing hobgoblin tribes driven from the Lortmils during the Hateful Wars sacked the castle. They held Hagthar for 9 months while Veluna's calls for dwarven assistance went unanswered. This event caused much resentment among Veluna's southern nobles and continues to plague relations between them and the Lortmil dwarves to this day.
The castle was rebuilt again with money borrowed from Viscount Wilfrick, but little true effort was put into the undertaking. The current castle is only a shadow of its former self, and its current lord, Farkaesh the Grim, is about as poor a soul as his castle. He inherited Hagthar from his father along with sizable lands in the Iron Wood, lands he quickly lost gambling, along with the money borrowed from Lord Wilfrick. Castle Hagthar and the lands in a twelve-mile radius are all that remain of the previous fief, and even this may soon be claimed by the Viscount in payment for Farkaesh's debts. Farkaesh is now nearing 80 and has lost any interest in life. He spends his remaining days staring dejectedly from his lonely battlements, surrounded by a score of retainers interested only in being named his heir. They dote over their miserable master and one must wonder if it is the place itself which draws such people to it.
The stronghold entrance is still blocked by the fallen cliffs, and the rubble is haunted by the ghost of Gilvgola and the guards who allowed the orcs into the fortress. They exists as haunts, and their remaining task is to reclaim their ancestral home. To this end, they will possess the body of any who approach and attempt to enter the stronghold by means of secret entrances. Since the stronghold is now home to about a thousand orcs, they have so far failed in their attempts to recapture it from the humanoids.
The houses in the valley are very reminiscent of the buildings of Verbobonc, a mix of old and new, gnome and Gothic styles. This should not be surprising as Greenway Valley was the birthplace of the famous gnome architect Snirthiglin, who drafted the plans for Verbobonc years ago. Many also live in "rents" (gnome for cellar), preferring the smell of the earth to the open air homes of their brethren. Along the Greenway, numerous inns, merchant houses, markets, and taverns are located, catering to traders and travelers alike. Smallish warrens also abound, for those who prefer a more traditional living space. Each warren houses an extended family of 20-30 gnomes
Each township has a large trading house along the Greenway where goods from the mines are received, stockpiled, and sold to traders. By gnome law, no product of the mines may be sold by the nobles at any other place. All commerce thus centers around these houses. An agent of the Assembly, the Satveegr, oversees each factory. He is responsible for the collection of taxes, the auditing of the mine records, and for mediating disputes which arise between the trading houses and traders. These posts are especially sought after as there is ample opportunity for monetary gain associated with them.
Marshals appointed by the Clanlord travel throughout the valley on a regular circuit. Their duty is to keep the peace in the various townships. Most rulings may be appealed to the various members of the Assembly; however, in matters regarding intertownship crimes and disputes, the Marshals answer only to the Clanlord. These Marshals are among the most respected individuals in Greenway Valley, recognized for their integrity, honesty, and wisdom.
Each township has an organized militia, and the total force of Greenway Valley numbers close to 2,500 gnome soldiers when fully mustered. They may be raised by either Clanlord Urthgan or by the Viscount of Verbobonc (with the clanlord's approval) The gnomes volunteered to aid the dwarves of the Lortmils during the Hateful Wars, and the last time the militia was raised was at the request of the Viscount who desired their help against the hordes of Zuggtmoy. Since the sacking of the Temple of Elemental Evil some quarter century ago, life has largely returned to normal in the valley, and happiness and prosperity have returned to the gnomes of the Kron Hills.
This settlement is protected by the Viscounty of Verbabonc
There is one inn in Littleburrow, The Galloping Pike, on the east bank of the Clearwater beside the Greenway Ford. Prices are quite low, and the quality and entertainment grand. Since travelers are the village's main source of news, the halflings attempt to make their stay as enjoyable as possible.
There is no official mayor of Littleburrow, but each year the inhabitants elect a Sheriff. His job is to judge legal matters, of which there are few. He is also the liaison with the gnomes of the Greenway Valley. As such he is constantly shuttling back and forth between the two communities, sometimes even traveling to Verbobonc itself. This allows some of the more adventurous halflings a chance to 'see the world' without too much danger.
The halflings are very friendly with a tribe of centaurs which lives to the southeast. The grain they raise is traded to the centaurs for their hornwood bows and a variety of fruits, particularly karafruit, which the hoofed folk gather in sheltered glades.

Situated on the western edge of the Gnarley Forest, Nulb is just outside the borders of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Free from organized justice, it has become a haven for outlaws, bandits, and other unsavory characters. Unfortunately, it also lies on the Forest High Road which connects the Viscounty with Dyvers. Though at one time the Forest High Road was a main route from Celene and Verbobonc to Dyvers, it has fallen into disuse since the rise of the Temple of Elemental Evil some years ago. Most travelers now prefer to take the longer and safer route along the Low Road, or travel by boat down the Velverdyva. See T1-4 for more specific details.
During the reign of King Podrick

Prior to the fall of Verbobonc in 600 CY

City of Verbabonc Under rule of Viscount Wilfred
589 CY

Across the western central Flanaess, the Velverdyva River flowed down from the distant Yatil Mountains, across the Plains of Ferrond (and forming a natural border between the Kingdom of Furyondy and the Archvlericy of Veluna) and finally emptying out in the Nyr Dyv – the Lake of Unknown Depths – by the City of Greyhawk. But along that winding route, the Velverdyva flowed right past 500 square miles of farmland nestled in between the Iron Forest (to the west), the Iron Hills (to the south), and the Gnarley Forest (to the east) – and this was the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
The City of Verbobonc was a busy river port, with traffic of barges and cogs and even the occasional caravel coming and going most any day. The city had grown up, literally, around the river, with quarters on either side of its banks. The river was spanned by three low bridges with breakaway sections that could be lifted out by cranes if anything taller than a barge wished to sail through (and after paying a toll to the River Warden’s Office). Security was tight along the river, but not sternly so, with the inspections requiring more patience than anything else. The river fronts were manned by the River Warden’s Dock Guild, but guarded by men-at-arms of both the First Army of the Church and the Viscount’s Standing Army. Visitors had some of the laws explained to them, usually by someone with a crushed hat and a cudgel in his hand (signifying the Order of Saint Cuthbert) including keeping bows unstrung, bladed weapons sheathed or otherwise hidden, not to openly worship an evil deity, and never killing someone of a social class higher than yours.
Verbobonc was a walled city, with a worked granite curtain 15’ high and 8’ thick surrounding it. The north side of the city had three gates leading out and the south end had but one gate. Also, a breach in the north curtain wall had long since been filled in by the Olven Wall -- a tangle of thick forestry said to be more impassable than the real wall. The wall's defenses seemed modest, perhaps even a token effort, which was perhaps not surprising given the city had probably never once been invaded in its history. Engraved over each outer gate to the city – and there were three – was the city’s motto, “Earth and stone, man and gnome.” Inside the city, surrounding the only grassy hill in sight, was a second curtain wall, a solid granite wall the same height and width as the outer one. Up close, this inner wall was revealed to be highly decorative, with bas relief carvings of gnomish warriors all over it and sayings in what was surely the gnomish language carved under them. It was clearly much older than the other wall.
The city's inner wall was occupied by a castle next to a cathedral. Both buildings looked new, or had undergone extensive renovation, to reflect the new gothic style. The castle was the Viscount's castle and the cathedral was known as the Temple of the Heavenly Virtues, and their twin presence here reflected the balance of power between the nobility and the clerical class in Verbobonc. The bells of the cathedral rang, up to three at a time, at every hour on the hour.
The city was tightly packed, its population having outgrown the outer wall and spilled out of it. Easily 1224,000 people must have called Verbobonc home, with at least 23,000 more living in the outskirts surrounding it. The streets of the Inner City tended to be narrow and curvy, with the longest being Tarry Road that encircled over half of the city. Tarry Road, Way Down Road, and Hegoaldean Road -- muddy ruts in the best of times -- sported the majority of the larger businesses. Only the Viscount’s Road was cobblestone.
One of the reasons the city had filled up so fast was that so much of it had been set aside for gardens and parks. The city was divided into six quarters, but with no visible borders between them; only residents knew the distinctions between the quarters.
The architecture consists primarily of timbered row houses; starched white buildings with brown, green, burgundy or navy timbers. Domes, pillars, arches, and sweeping wide stairways are common features.
1. North Gate (High Gate)
This gate opens to the ‘Low Road’, and all Northeast land traffic bound to Dyvers and Greyhawk City. This gate is unique in that there is a finely crafted marble arch over the gate. Rose vines grow freely around the intricately carved stone. Carved along the top of the arch are the words (in Common and Gnomish): “Earth and Stone, Man and Gnome.” Apart from this aesthetic feature, this gate has all the standard features
2. Inner Bailey
3. Silver Lyre Inn
This old country inn is a favorite of those travelers from the Gnarley forest who do not wish to venture into the city. The rooms are small and rustic. The furnishings are old and well used, but everything’s clean and shows care by the owners. The inn’s name comes from the lyre that magically floats above the floor. It automatically plays a pleasant tune as guests enter the large central room. It is said that a passing wizard like the place so much, he left the magical lyre as a gift. Guests can listen to the music while warming themselves by the central fire pit and roasting sausages on long forks (provided by the innkeeper).
4. Bronze Unicorn Inn
Fallnore Constance (Human male) and his wife Elinore Constance (1/2 elf femal) run the inn
This medium sized inn caters to adventures, mercenaries or other well-to-do foreigners. Immediately as you enter the Bronze Unicorn, you realize how much effort has been made to accommodate the cliental. Each room has large comfortable beds, doors and window shutters that lock from the inside, fresh linens, magic lighting, etc. Although there is no running water in the rooms, there is a bath or basin that can be filled with hot water at the guest’s request.
There are no common rooms at this in, but single, double and quad occupancy rooms are available. The large ‘quad’ rooms have a separate meeting room adjoining them. There are a few rooms with furniture and beds especially made for smaller guests (gnomes, halflings, etc). In addition to the rooms, the inn has its own secure vault that travelers can place their goods in.
Room service is available. There is a large ‘tap’ room located on the ground floor. Guests can mingle over ales, or relax in the thickly padded chairs and benches. A large fireplace dominates the room, where two oak carvings of Unicorns frame the sides. Entertainment in the taproom is usually foreign bards (guests) who tell tales of their adventures or far off lands. A rather large (but crude) map of the city is located on one wall, which shows all of the major temples/churches and the main points of interest in the city. It is getting somewhat dated, but guests have scribbled on it and added to it
5. Brass Rail Tavern
This is a large, ‘under-mound’ tavern with a cozy feel to it. The Brass Rail has few
windows, and is dimly lit by several fireplaces and candles on every table. Although the walls are finished with wooden paneling, the floor remains unfinished dirt. The ceiling is supported by scores of short wooden beams, and patrons larger than 5’5” tall feel quite crowded. This smoke filled tavern usually gets very stuffy and hot as the place fills up with patrons. The tavern derives its name from a small stage at its centre. It has a very short brass rail that runs around it and the bar. The local entertainment (bards, poets, etc) always occupy this stage, and once/week gnomes gather for a local ‘talent’ contest of sorts. Each gnome must try to out do each other in a practical joke/trickery contest. The tavern is alive with laughter at the antics of participants and crowd alike
6. Inner Gate (Guard Gate)
7. Macor’s Merchant House
This large merchant house is one of the more prosperous in the city. It specializes primarily with ore, metals, and precious stones. It has grown wealthy through the trade of precious metals from the mines of the Kron Hills. Macor’s buys from the Gnomish Merchants and nobility in Kron. Occasionally they buy from the Dwarves of the Lortmils. Almost all of the commodities pass through this merchant house on their way to kingdoms abroad. The four floors of this building are packed with metals, and precious stones. Silver, Electrum, Iron, Tin and gold are some of the metals. Along with gemstones, namely malachite, chysoprase, chrysoberyl, a dark green jade with unique turquoise swirls, and brilliant black opals and emeralds.
8. Hilewy’s Gnome Palace (comforts of home for gnomes; expensive)
All the comforts of home for gnomes. From the outside, this looks similar to every other gnome mound, but as soon as one enters the palace, they find themselves in Gnome splendour. The underground inn is huge by gnome standards (most of the upper levels are cleverly concealed in a large Ipt tree and several illusions. All needs are taken care of by the skilled staff and each patron gets a private burrow (all connected by intricate tunnels).
9. Rusty Nail Tavern
Snipple Bimplenose is the owner/barkeep (male/gnome)
One is surprised the first time they enter this gnome rent. It is not your typical dark, dingy burrow in a hill. It is bright and alive with sights and sounds of other typical ‘above ground’ taverns. This is due, partially in part to illusionary windows on all the walls. Where nothing but soil could normally be seen, these permanent spells give the illusions of windows that open into an enchanted garden, complete with grazing unicorns and fluttering pixies.
Other wonders abound in the popular gnomish tavern: magical-glowing paintings adorn the domed ceiling; vistas of the Greenway valley and Kron. The illusion of an arcane trickster stealing gems behind the counter is actually a shrine to Garl Glittergold. A very intricate ‘tap’ system takes up half the bar area. This large collection of polished brass tubes, spouts, and valves is used to dispense some of the finest gnomish meads in the city. The huge jumble of tubes makes all manner of noises when one of the barkeeps tries to operate it.
10. Jala’s Armory (independent)
Jala has one of the largest armouries in the city. He also has the largest showroom of magical armour and weapons for sale. This huge building was actually two separate shops (independent), but since Jala purchased them both, he has since joined the two.
Visitors to his shop can expect to see large storerooms filled with metal, huge showrooms, multiple forges and fevered workers pounding away at anvils. All the back areas are filled with smoke and sweat. The showrooms are crowded, and the staff seems to be overworked, as occasionally the armoury takes on excess work for the city’s militia
11. Kile’s Spice Store
Kiles (gnome) has the widest variety of spices in the city. Exotic spices imported from the
southern Jotens Mountains, heady herbs from the Eastern nations of Ahlissa, etc can be found
here. There is an unusual amount of gnome patrons in this shop. When observed, most can be
found purchasing very hot spices. It is easy to deduct that these are used for practical jokes.
12. General Store
Visitors who need gear can buy everything from torches and candles to dry firewood at ‘The River’s Edge’. The entire store is packed tight with an assortment of general goods.
The store has recently had major renovations. The building has been re-decorated to look like a wooden fort of olden days. No one is sure if this was a marketing ploy, or if the shop is getting back to its roots as one of the first general stores in the area. There is even a small wooden palisade around the store.
13. Spruce Goose (inn for the wealthy)
True nobility or the very wealthy generally prefer to stay at the luxurious Spruce Goose Inn. Located prominently in the heart of the civic centre, this large group of buildings is one of the largest inn’s in the city. This expensive place caters to the nobility and to those who want to parade grandly and pretend they’re noble.
Complete with it’s own stables, security, kitchen, and staff quarters, guests literally have all of their needs taken care of without leaving the Spruce Goose. Each room is ornately decorated in the latest styles (permanent invisibility cast on sections of the walls creates secure windows, magical lighting, indoor plumbing with each room having its own bath, fine 4-poster beds, etc).
The hallways are adorned with magnificent white statues. Sitting rooms with plush chairs, ‘Unseen Servant’ spells magically bring food and beverages, free massages for guests, etc. A huge marbled entrance hall is 40’ high, with arched ceilings, mirrors, and fine oak furniture.
In the centre of the court, there is a large swimming pool. It is magically heated all year round. Great, carved pillars surround it, and servants can be seen bringing towels and beverages to guests who relax at pool-side. Magically, the entire centre court seems climate controlled, as huge tropical plants abound, and rain never seems to fall within its confides.
Royalty, dignitaries, ambassadors, visiting high-clergy, etc are all guests here.
14. Maynard’s Metal Emporium
This small shop has a reputation for being able to acquire rare and imported metals. Somewhat absent is the smell of furnaces and smoke usually associated with such a place. Most metals are meticulously crafted using Maynard’s age old ‘family secret’ (his secret is a long time family pet – a fire mephit, who uses its special breath to help shape the precious metals)
15. Niccol’s House of Silk
Catering to the town’s elite, this shop only carries the finest materials, and latest fashions. Most major and minor houses can be found here to view the latest clothing trends from Greyhawk City, Veluna or the Duchy of Urnst
16. Barns (stalls for rent)
Large barns are available for short or long term stabling of animals. These stalls are frequently filled with merchant’s animals (from caravans) while they do business in the city. The barns have various sized stalls that will accommodate everything from a large dog, to an elephant if necessary.
17. Bethan’s Books (used/rare tomes, copies bought and sold, printer)
Home of Betham the Sage. He deals in used/rare tomes. As a service, he also copies books, scrolls, tomes, etc with a large ‘clock-work’ printer he purchased from the gnomes. The entire upper loft of the store is one huge, gnomish clockwork printer.
Two gnomes are constantly running the machine and the upper rafters are always shaking and rattling. This makes it difficult for patrons to browse and read books in the noisy store below. Therefore, Betham has made 3 small reading rooms with permanent ‘Silence’ spells upon them. Also, there is a magic broom/dustpan cantrip that magically sweeps the cracked sealing plaster from around the room and long bookshelves.
18. Zeebel’s Maroon Mon (inn)
This is a very unique inn in the city. As soon as one walks by the building, they can notice the distinct western architecture. From the bright colours to the crested peaks on the eves and gables, this inn is blatantly Baklunish in style and design. As soon as you enter the long marble hallway, you are greeted by large Baklunish males dressed in bright robes.
The place looks as if you entered a palace. Large potted tropical palm plants line the entry hall. Richly coloured rugs (some say gaudy) adorn every room. Large copper kettles of brewed tea are served in waiting rooms. The grand ballroom (along with other hallways) has large mosaic patterns and scenes from the western countries (Zeif, Ull, etc). Guests can be seen relaxing on large, opulent pillows, while watching veil-wearing belly dancers.
It is truly a site that most people in the central region have never seen before.
19. The Red Don Inn
This grand building is the only large inn located in the Elven District. It mainly caters to elves but all manner of cliental are welcome. This marvellous structure is located high in the boughs of a particularly large ipt tree. This ornate structure spans every major branch of the tree, along with a winding staircase encircling the trunk. This massive tree trunk has twisted over the years and taken on a ‘red’ colour, giving the inn it’s name.
This inn boasts its origins from the time the elves ruled this land, and rumour say that this very structure housed royalty.
Each room is ornately carved of the finest wood, and in many rooms, branches grow through the floors/walls. Many of the guest rooms have no roof, and only decorative dividers/foliage for privacy. Rain/snow/wind falls freely throughout the structure. However, each room is masterfully crafted with the same magic as a ‘Ring of Warmth’ so temperature is never a factor. The elevated view from these rooms at night can be breathtaking
Goods/Service: Service is impeccable from the owner: Delon Redleaf. Some say he is as old as the tree itself, and none can remember the inn being run by any other. He treats each guest as he would royalty. Although he caters mainly to elves (special vegetarian meals, special religious services, etc) he is knowledgeable of human and gnomish ways.
Cost: Expensive – Both meals and rooms are costly, but none have ever left disappointed. Special rainwater baths, fresh fruit, and bardic harp music playing throughout the inn, are just a few of the pleasures. One can get all of there needs taken care of without ever having to leave the tree.
20. Harvester Theatre
The fine arts are represented primarily by outdoor theatres; the Harvester’s Theatre is the largest and best known. Many of Verbobonc’s lesser nobility take part in this artistic enterprise, leading to the inevitable conflict between different factions.
21. Player’s Inn (for entertainers)
Music, song and the sounds of people dancing are always heard coming from this inn. Most entertainers frequent this establishment (bards, actors, musicians, poets, etc). As such, there is a large stage attached to the central taproom. One can watch the other guests entertain as they guzzle back strong spirits and wine. Although most of the entertainment is not professional, any jesting is usually in good fun, and the audience frequently participates in all the entertainment. Frequently, hecklers interrupt plays, or the crowd joins in during the middle of a sonnet. Most of the private rooms are non-descript, with nothing more than a small cot in the room. The common rooms are only lined with bunk beds with thin blankets. Most folk do not find it very restful, as the noise is so loud; it permeates through the rooms until the early hours.
22. Jamstav’s Merchant House
A smaller merchant house that largely operates in the North of the Flanaess. This is
their southern most out-post.
Rumours are that such, rare goods from the Wolf Nomads, Stonehold, the Bandit Kingdoms and Iuz are available here but it takes lot of cash to even get the right person to talk to you about such things.
23. Lester’s House of Cards (gambling)
Lester’s is a gambling den that is always crowded. The room is thick with smoke
from the numerous tables of cards, dice tables, and other games of chance. Rowdy patrons are
quickly asked to leave, and weapons are not allowed in the den (they are taken behind the main
desk upon arrival and are returned upon exit). Various games are available, but every 3rd night,the centre section of the largest room is devoted to beast fighting. The flooring pulls back and a fighting pit opens for all comers (restricted to medium creatures or smaller).
Battles are to the death: a practice that has the local druids/rangers and other priest of nature up in arms. Only pets/beasts of a non-magical nature are allowed (any magic will disqualify the owner).
24. Molten Spigot (tavern)
Owner: Shakas Arcanegrin (male, gnome)
A well-known local tavern. Families and respectable folk come here to drink and chatter. It is somewhat dimly lit, as most of the smoke from the fireplaces seems to end up in the tavern instead of up the chimney. Talk within the tavern is bright and cheery, as most locals talk about the weather and how their crops are fairing.
Notable People: Farmers, local businessmen, and the occasional merchant frequent this tavern.
Goods/Services: This inn has a wonderful selection of local brews. Although there is nothing fancy on the menu, the food is always good and the beers never watered down. Both, human and gnome meals are served, and they pile the plates high. They usually roast a pig or boar in the central fire pit. No one ever leaves the Spigot hungry. The costs are both average for the food and the booze.
25. House of Jimm (resident gnome prince)
This elaborate Gnome mound is the home of Prince Jimm, He lives here with a full staff. Some say he has tunnels that lead out of the city walls so he can escape in the event of a rebellion.
26. Shrine of Fharlanghn (N god of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads)
This small bridge across Nigb’s Run has been created/devoted to Fharlanghn worshipers. The ornately carved wooden bridge is quite unique, as it is located in the Elven district and was completely made by elven worshipers, hundreds of years past. The grand spans of the bridge are made from ipt trees (some still living), and the woodcarvings have not shown any sign of age. The entire deck and railings of the bridge have been etched to form one large road map of the Viscounty. The map scale is done, such that it covers a geographic area 80 miles north and south of the city (width of the bridge), and 250 miles east and west of the city (span of the bridge).
All legends and notes on the map/bridge are written in Elvish. Worshipers first acknowledged this place when they saw ‘knots’ in the trees that looked similar to the holy symbol of Fharlangn
27.Viscount’s Outer Grounds
The surrounding curtain walls rise to a height of 32 feet, and four round towers, which project well beyond the walls, reach a height of 40 feet. The walls are patrolled by elite warriors. They patrol in groups of 3, and there are at least 3 groups on each wall at all times. The corner towers have ballista on the roves, and are manned by 10 troops each.
28. “Grayfist,” castle of Viscount
Greyfist is a rectangular castle built on a small hill in the centre of the city. Without a doubt, the palace of Viscount of Verbobonc is the finest surviving example of preserved elven work in the city. This is a large complex of buildings and gardens, is tastefully arranged to provide natural-seeming vistas from nearly any window. Its construction is typical of most of the elven buildings of Verbobonc. Many slender towers joined by airy, arched bridges grace the palace. Only the nimblest humans brave these perilous trestles, although elves manage them with graceful ease. Inside, the rooms and halls have high ceilings, and many windows pierce the walls. Hallways are narrow and staircases are commonly built without banisters. Wood and very light-grained stone are the common building materials.
29. Segemm’s Store of Collectibles
A long known family in the Verbobonc region, the Segemm’s have established themselves as the foremost collectors in the High Quarter (or debatably the city). Based on the utmost integrity in dealings, and one of the largest collections of rare goods in this region, this store is a ‘must’ for those searching or selling exotic or rare goods.
Befitting its neighbourhood, the atmosphere of the store is of ‘posh’ old-world wealth. Expensive rugs from Keoland line the floors, rare artwork from Nyrond adorns the walls, and all manner of antiques fill the various rooms in the shop. One gets the feeling that they have just entered a library or museum. Looking at the price tags, and the snooty staff, patrons fear that they will accidentally bump into the fragile, crowded antiques and break something.
30. Clotho Clothes (all types, 2 floors)
This store in the gnomish quarter is filled with every manner of clothing. All sizes are represented here from gnomish (50% of his stock) to human, elvish, halfling and even dwarven fits. Although most of his garments are of high quality, for the upper-class, he also has some lowend (Peasant’s outfits) items as well. This building has clothing shelves and racks that fill two floors.
31. Clotho’s Cheese House
Owner: Breatis Tallcrippler (female, gnome)
The ‘heady’ smell of this building can be smelled for a block away. Local and imported cheeses of all types can be found here.
32. House of Haxx (noble family)
This large manor compound is more the size of a small castle. It is home to Lord Haxx, his family and most of his followers (Hardheads). “Haxx’s Hardheads”, as his volunteers have begun to call themselves, number almost 500 men (roughly 40% of them live in or near the Manor compound). All veterans of the Greyhawk Wars, they are a strong base of power for the young noble.
Goods/Services: Haxx is always looking for more volunteers to join his cause. Each warrior (Bar, Rng, or Ftr. Some Pal of Joramy (or other war/anger gods) are also admitted) must have seen some battle action (at least 2nd level) in order to qualify. There is no pay (volunteer), and each warrior must pay his own way. Haxx does, however, allow his ‘hardheads’ to train for free in his compound (warrior feats, and warrior-type Prestige Classes are made available here). Each ‘hardhead’ must put in 5 days of duty/month minimum, and be ready to answer any call to duty, at any time.
There are some rumours that Haxx also trains some of his most trusted/capable warriors as political spies/assassins. A few people have speculated that he has secret training facilities under his compound. Thus far, these have only been rumours.
33. Bensar’s Wax Works (wax specialties)
This tall building deals in wax specialties. Mainly candles, but they also deal in an assortment of wax statues. They also sell specialty wax used by leather smiths in the hardening process of leather armour.
34. The Electrum Eel (inn for sailors/adventurers)
Located near the docks, this inn has large blue lanterns (Continual Flame) hanging from the front balconies, so sailors can find their way even when the fog rolls off the river. The large, 25-room inn is popular with sailors and adventurers. It has a very thoughtful staff, and warm chairs await those guests by the fire. It is a very old and dark in and is full of secret passages and closets. This inn is uncommonly full of cats, which seem to keep down the rat population here near the river.
The large entry/waiting rooms are filled with river memorabilia, including large stuffed fish on the mantles, ship’s rigging hanging from the ceiling, and nautical charts on the walls. Twin yeti heads flank a winters wolf’s head and tail, and a stuffed remorhaz is a good conversation piece. The upper, river facing rooms have a beautiful view of the Velverdyva from the windows.
Notable People: Because of the cliental, this inn is also popular with the local professional escorts. The entry rooms almost resemble a brothel during the evenings.
Landlord/owner: Hendrik Fardrin.
Cost: All the private rooms are Average priced, but include a pint of ale from the taproom.
35. Hamstid’s Stables and Horse Sales
Conveniently located near a city gate, Harnstid’s stables have the best selection of mounts in the city. He also deals in rare and exotic mounts. As such, his corrals behind the building are something of a ‘zoo’. On-lookers and children flock to view the strange beasts
Notable people: Harnstid was once a human rancher, but for the last 8 years, he has since set up his stables in the city. He has 5 stable boys/girls who lovingly care for his animals. This treatment is extended to each mount he stables for customers as well.
36. Shrine to Istus
37. Barloon’s Stoneworks
Grafalcon Diamondeath, Norkul Diamondeath, and Yenmorn Diamondeath
Run by 3 dwarvish brothers, this large yard is filled with all manner of stone, in various stages of completion. Some are rough-hewn, others are finely carved and some are just stone blocks. These brothers get most of their stone imported from the dwarven mines within the Lortmil Mountains, and work the stone here
38. Storage Bins
39. Grandma Herri’s House of Rest (also shrine to Fharlanghn)
A fantastic location for weary or frequent travelers. Many years ago, Mrs. Henri opened her home to other followers of her god: Fharlanghn. Henri cared for each traveler as if they were a beloved house-guest, a practice she still prides herself on today. Word spread among the faithful, and travelers (and Fharlanghn has many of them) began to flock to her home as a layover when in the Verbobonc region.
Over the years, the ‘house’ has expanded greatly, including other businesses within the large complex. These include cobblers (shoes), translators, diplomats, and various construction crews (bridges, roads, etc).
Mrs. Henri still resides in her ‘home’, but now widowed, and many years later, she is affectionately known as just ‘Grandma Henri’
40. The Silver Consortium (mages, apothecavries, alchemists, scholars, et, al.)
The Silver Consortium is a major centre of magical study and the site of Verbobonc’s extensive library of the occult and arcane. The city’s mages guild takes its name from this place as well. Its members are apothecaries, alchemists, diviners, scholars, and other spellcasters
Initially, the building seems chaos of libraries, classrooms and meeting halls, along with numerous illusions, and magical transportation between some rooms. Students flying between classes, magical constructs walking around, and books floating along hallways can make this a very confusing place. But students here are faced with a very regimented routine. Rules are strictly enforced, and all of the staff seems to have a ‘stuffy’ feel of ‘elitism’
The Silver Consortium has significant ties to the Society of Enlightened Mages, based in Veluna City, and is considered by many to be a branch of that organization.
Notable People: Juelihm, a conjurer of great skill, leads the Consortium. Under his leadership, the Consortium has maintained a high profile in the Nyr Dyv region. The mages guild plays an active role in Verbobonc and has begun to build a name for itself in the region. Rumour has it that members of the “ Circle of Eight” have approached Juelihm.
Goods/Services: The Consortium has many different libraries. Each one with different entrance requirements and security. All of these libraries offer similar services: attendants are available (for 5gp/hour) to read for the illiterate. Scribes are available to copy (none magic) materials (for 5gp/page or 30gp/map). Researchers are available to find specific information (30gp/subject – more if a high degree of detail is needed).
The Consortium hosts a ‘public’ library. Entrance is not restricted, but will cost 5gp per day. This public library contains books on most common subjects (non-magical). Most knowledge skills, regional history, maps, political info, alchemist formulas, herbs, etc can be studied here.
41. Veera’s Voluptous Maidens (tavern)
This tavern is a bedlam of rowdy, partygoers from noon to after dawn, occasionally interrupted by violent brawls that break out. This multi-storied tavern/festhall has balconies that overhang the front street. There are large, extensive cellars. Most of the tavern is a large common room with a corner bar. Large beer kegs and a wine racks fill the walls
Notable People: Although the bartender is a human male, the rest of the staff is all very attractive females (some say this is how Veera’s got its name). Although each woman is stunning to look at, newcomers usually are surprised to see each maiden is very skilled in fighting. Mouths hang open in shock to see these petite women throw a drunken sailor out the window.
Cost: The food here is minimal and on the salty side. The wine and beers are surprisingly good quality and the prices are average.
42. Inner City Gate (Castle Gate)
43. Inner City Gate (North Gate)
44. Nib’s Importers
This huge warehouse-like building is lined with shelves stuffed full of trade goods. Customers are force down narrow spaces between the various; floor displays, hanging decorations, boxes piled high, etc. Every mundane item imaginable is available: hanging rugs from across the Central Flanaess, fine – hand crafted robes from Furyond, primitive golden statues from Sunndi, warm furs and carved necklaces from the Ice Barbarian realm, elaborate tents from Celene, etc.
The building is 4 and ½ stories high. Each with various sections for specific trade goods. Although somewhat organized, finding something specific can take hours, due to the sheer amount of merchandise available. There are employees throughout the store, who may help a customer find what they are looking for. More likely, they will be shouting bargains, and enticing customers to other items. The whole shop feels like one has just entered a giant bizarre. The upper-most ‘half’ floor carries most of the most valuable items (gems, jewels, magic, etc). This area has the highest security (magic wards, guards, etc).
Notable People: Although this store has up to 30 people working at any one time, the most prominent is Nib Nighthand. He has traveled the world for rare and priceless trinkets. He is outstanding at appraising items and has a great eye for value. He is always interested in purchasing one-of-a-kind items. He has a particular fondness for pipes, and exotic tobacco’s.
45. Warehouses
This large building is mainly used as an interim location for holding merchandise from various ships and caravans. During the winter months when the river freezes, many merchants elect not to move merchandise over land to their final destination, opting to wait for spring thaw. Much of the merchandise stays here over winter. Merchants are responsible for their own security of the products. Thus, there is usually a large contingent of (somewhat lazy) mercenaries found here during the winter (less so in the summer).
46. Temple of Saint Cuthbert
The current bishop: Bishop Haufren of St.Cuthbert
The main faith in Verbobonc is that of St. Cuthbert, and he has been declared the official patron of the city. This church has departments for all 3 divisions of the church: the Chapeaux, which seek to convert people to the faith. The Stars, which exist to retain doctrinal purity among the faith, and the Billets, which minister to and protect the faithful
47. Temple of Hieronius
The head military leader is Tanner BrightBlade (Paladin)
This large building resembles a military barracks. Soldiers march in unison, leaders bark out orders, trumpets sound for fighting practice, etc. The entire compound is devoted to the military training of these holy warriors. Security is very tight. No one is allowed into the compound/building who is not righteous in Heironeous’ eye (there are wards that sound alarms when anyone enters who is not Lawful and Good). Some of the innermost chambers are even protected against scrying. Guards are constantly on duty. The temple hall itself is full of images of glorious battles; stained glass depicting holy wars, huge marble statues of valiant warriors, tapestries with pictures of chivalric acts, etc.
48. Pond of the Hart (religious meeting area)
This small pond connects to the Ash Horn Stream (49). In addition to having special meaning to the elves of the area (see 49), this pond is also worshiped by the local druids. It is said to be a ‘tear’ from the mother of Oerth (Beory), and druids of the ‘Old Faith’ consider this area a shrine. Mistletoe, oak leaves and holly leaves all grow around this site
Resheph the Druid, who watches over this region, can sometimes be found here. He has many ties to the elves and to the Gnarley Rangers (and thus, Viscount Langard) and tends to matters that concern the interaction of the city and the surrounding woodlands. There are rumours that the Viscount has worked out an agreement with the Druid so that expansion of the city will have minimal impact on the woodland.
In exchange, the Druid has constant communication (Speak with animals and wildshape) with the creatures/fish within the two rivers that warn him of approaching danger/trespassers from underwater.
49. Ash Horn Stream
This stream empties the Pond of the Heart (48) into Nigb’s Run. It is a sacred location for the elves of the area. Those faithful to Corellon Larethian (god of the elves) meet here on holy days. Three times per month, the elves of the area can be seen in a long procession to the mouth of this stream. Each wearing their gold and white robes and singing in perfect harmony. Faithful then place flower pedals into the stream and watch them disappear down the river.
50. Southway Gate
This gate opens to the ‘Low Road’, and all Northeast land traffic bound to Dyvers and Greyhawk City. This gate is unique in that there is a finely crafted marble arch over the gate. Rose vines grow freely around the intricately carved stone. Carved along the top of the arch are the words (in Common and Gnomish): “Earth and Stone, Man and Gnome.” Apart from this aesthetic feature, this gate has all the standard features.
51. Inner City Gate (South Gate)
52. Community House (political rallies, speeches, etc)
This is a location used for political rallies, speeches, etc.
53. House for rent
54. Kabora’s Jewel of the Velverdyva (inn)
Located directly beside the docks, this inn caters to many of the sailors and merchants. The walls are covered with shields, sails and tunics emblazoned with the arms and devices of those kingdoms along the Velerdyva River (Dyvers, Furyondy, Veluna, Perrenland, etc).
This inn is getting old, and the dark wood panelling is beginning to show its age. One can enjoy privacy here in the taproom as many of the booths have enchanted curtains that keep the noise out (along with eavesdropping ears). The rooms themselves are adequate. Each room has a night table and chair along with an extra blanket during the winter months. Service is always friendly, but the employees do tend to ‘play favourites’ with their repeat customers, so others may have to wait for service
Cost: Prices are average, but there are no stables available for mounts here. Food is mainly seafood, and can be overcooked. Guests end up drinking a lot of ale to compensate for the lack of taste.
55. Dieg manor
This large manor house is home to Furrownose Dieg, a gnomish minor noble. This house is distinctive in Ryemend, as it has a very ‘urban’ look (e.g.: manicured lawn, fresh paint, well crafted woodwork, etc). This is in stark contrast to the surrounding farmhouses that usually occupy Ryemend. Servants can be seen tending the private garden and manicuring the hedges
56. Barracks (Cavalry/heavy horse regiment)
This is the Barracks/stables for the Viscounty’s heavy horse regiment. 50 Heavy cavalry are stationed here.
57. Barracks (medium archers)
The Viscounty’s archers are stationed here. 100 crossbowmen are in training here (the medium archers are usually out on the grounds, using archery targets, practice dummies, etc).
Note: this location also has most of the Dog Kennels for the Barzac Hounds used throughout the city.
58. Jylee’s Inn (catering to the famous)
Jylee’s Inn is a large, rectangular structure, and one of the finest in Verbobonc. It caters to the famous. Located next to the City Hall, it attracts mostly higher-classed customers. The three-story inn is a paragon of luxury at a reasonable price
Most of the ground floor is given over to a massive dinning room. No expense has been spared in decorating. The floor is a special glittering marble, quarried in the Lortmils. The furniture is also of local make, using only the finest oak, and made by the master craftsmen of Oakham. The ceiling is low, but the woodwork is incredibly intricate, portraying many scenes from local history as well as some of the Flanaess’s colourful personages and their tales. The dishes and utensils are of the finest silver.
Notable people: The owner, Jylee of Dyvers, only recently bought the inn. In a bold move, he cut the prices of his rooms and meals, attempting to draw more of the lesser officials and moderately wealthy travelers. In the six months since, his inn has rarely been empty.
Goods/Services: Some of the most luxuriant rooms in all Verbobonc are available here, and the excellent cuisine is the talk of the region.
59. Barrack’s (heavy footmen and light footmen)
This is the Barracks to the Viscounty’s heavy footmen.
60. Packard’s Trough (taven catering to soldiers)
This is a notorious dive that usually caters to soldiers. The tavern is a chaos of rowdy patrons, with violence from noon to night. Female escorts, and rumours that killers-for-hire can also be found among the cliental
Deep in the Gnarley where the woods cover the Kron hills lies the town of Twilight Falls. It is situated at the crossing of trails from Dyvers to Celene and Verbobonc to Narwell.
Until recently, Twilight Falls was little more than a way station. A large temple complex dedicated to Farlanghan was built in this town, making travel easier. Soon after came the discovery of gold and mithral in the hills, and ipp wood in the nearby forests. After these discoveries, people flocked to the growing town. This small town is situated on the ruins of an ancient elven outpost, and the two giant trees that flank the waterfall in the center of town are silent and majestic reminders of the community now long gone. The town is currently ruled by Lord Mayor Valorek Greymantle, who is assisted by an elected council of advisors.
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