Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Session 11 - Entering the dungeon below

Ready'reat 11

The group finishes clearing the ground level and enters the dungeon below

Pelgrad mind melts everything in his path.


Giant Lizard

Green Slime


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Session 10 - The Meeting

 Ready'reat 11


Courtyard of the Moathouse

Pelgrad and Kronkel come looking for Granite Gundecker sent by Orwell

The groups unite and continue to clear the ground level of the ruins.

Clearing the south area where they are attacked by a large poisonous snake.

Clear the west where they are attacked by a large tick in the old kitchen.

They find a secret entrance to the lower level.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Session 9 - To the Moathouse

CY 620

Ready'reat 8



Supplies bought:

2 lanterns, hooded

6 oils

3 iron rations 3 water skins

12 torches

6 large sacks 

1 week supply of horse grain,. sack

and 1 stubborn old pony named Bill

Ready'reat 10


Ready'reat 11

Wake up after camping near Hommlet

at the moathouse

Granite gets swallowed

Attack in the courtyard

200 sp

12 ep

8 gp

20 pp

Gold Necklace worth 200 Gp

1 Long sword

1 flail

6 short swords

6 crossbows, lt. 30 bolts

981 xp for everyone

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Corespondence to Prince Reickart the Son of King Daniel the Lionhearted


DISPATCH To The Prince Reickart Son of King Daniel The Lionhearted

From His Good Cousin Elmond Herseford

St Cuthbert has sent me on a most Holy Mission. On way to Village of Nulb have meet with Jager the Heir to the Crown of Verbobonc and his 2 associates. We had a chance encounter with some gnolls.

Sorry to toss away your orders so casually. In the Village of Nulb I ran into one of my contacts. Jager and his people where looking for this same contact Mother Screng. Mother Screng informed the others of the party that it is time they dealt with the Temple of Elemental Evil. Thus we find ourselves on a Holy Mission to retrieve St Cuthberts Mace.

We arrived at the Temple. Actually walked around the whole place. It seems to be sealed as to the story we where told. After a day of extensive searching we found a way down into the depths. I was bitten by hundreds of giant rats. It was a nasty fight.

I must burn this letter now. Wish me luck in battle and St Cuthbert’s Strength

Writing it out makes it more plausible.

Session 48 - Wounded Lolth

  Fireseek 27 The King  (abscent) Granite the Cleric of St. Cuthbert The Dwarven Cleric Half-Elf Magic-user/Thief  Talltrees the Druid (absc...